
Wynona Judd’s Husband Loses Leg in Motorcycle Smashup :: Whittel & Melton

Country music singer Wynona Judd’s husband, and drummer for her band, lost his leg recently in a motorcycle collision in South Dakota.

The accident occurred when Judd and her husband, Michael Scott “Cactus” Moser, went for a ride together on separate bikes before one of her scheduled concerts.

According to reports, Moser’s left leg was severed at the accident site and doctors in Rapid City, South Dakota, amputated the leg above the knee. He also underwent surgery for his hand.

Moser apparently collided with an oncoming vehicle.

Judd was not involved in the accident.

Suffering an amputation can be devastating. Losing a limb can affect your job, social life and everyday routine tasks. A victim may need numerous surgeries and months of physical therapy. While medical benefits may cover some of the initial hospital bills and therapy costs, future medical bills, prosthetics, lost wages, pain management medications and other costs can add up quickly. The Florida Injury Attorneys at Whittel & Melton work aggressively to help amputation victims gain the compensation they need to cover any and all costs related to their accident injuries.

Nearly 22 percent of amputations are performed after a person has endured serious suffering as a result of a car accident or a workplace injury. Sadly, most amputations are performed on bikers injured in motorcycle collisions. Anytime someone loses a limb it changes their life forever. Recovering from an amputation can be a never ending battle, as a person is forced to deal with both physical and emotional pain. In addition to the pain and suffering caused by the loss of a limb, the financial load can be a heavy burden to bear. On average, the medical cost of an amputation adds up to around $91,000, not to mention the estimated $510,000 for lifetime medical treatment and ongoing care.

If you or someone you love suffered the loss of a limb or an injury requiring amputation as a result of another person’s negligence, the Florida Injury Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can help guide you through this difficult time. Contact us online or call us statewide and toll-free at 1-866-608-5LAW (5529) for your free consultation today.

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