Scandal Surrounding University of Michigan Team Doctor Sex Abuse Claims | Florida Sexual Abuse Victim Attorneys Whittel & Melton


A well-known team doctor at the University of Michigan has been accused of sexually abusing former students while performing medical exams. Coaches and other staff members are also accused of being aware of the misconduct, but looked the other way. 

In total, 53 students have accused Dr. Robert Anderson of molesting them. These former students also say they reported the sex crimes to the football coach Bo Schembechler and athletic director Don Canham, as well as others. 

The doctor was with the school for nearly 40 years until 2003. 

medicine-2361046_1280-300x200The abuse victims said they told Michigan coach Bo Schembechler who told them to report the incidents to the athletic director Don Canham who failed to take the information to police. 

The scandal surrounding this case is similar to the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse case at Penn State. The coach at Penn State, Joe Paterno, reported allegations of abuse against defense coordinator Jerry Sandusky to athletic director Tim Curley, who failed to report the allegations further. Sandusky is now serving a life sentence after being convicted of multiple charges of sex abuse. 

Schembechler was the coach for Michigan from 1969-1989. 

In 2018, reports indicate that sex abuse allegations involving Dr. Robert Anderson was investigated by University of Michigan police. After they discovered multiple cases of abuse, the school asked any other victims to come forward with their allegations in February 2020. Multiple former student athletes from various sports have come forward, and currently there are over 50 lawsuits filed against the former Michigan doctor. 

Anderson was the team doctor for more than 30 years. He retired in 2003 and died in 2008. Former University of Michigan athletic director Don Canham died in 2005. 

We trust medical professionals, like doctors and nurses to take care of our ailments. We hold them in high positions of trust with our well being. While it is normal for doctors to have to examine our private areas and see us at least partially nude, there is never an excuse for a medical professional to cross the line and fondle or touch a patient’s body for their own sexual gratification. In most of the cases against Dr. Robert Anderson, this is what happened. Even worse, the University of Michigan continued to keep the doctor employed for over 30 years, resulting in more sexual abuse cases. 

Survivors of sexual abuse have the right to file injury lawsuits against their abusers. Sexual abuse is illegal, and even though Anderson has passed away, lawsuits can still be filed against his estate for financial damages for the suffering he caused to victims. Furthermore, if it can be demonstrated that the university was aware of the abuse claims, they too can be found negligent for failing to take appropriate action, possibly allowing victims to recover financial compensation from the university. 

If you were abused by a team doctor at any university, you could be entitled to financial recovery. While no amount of money can undo what happened to you, it can help you move on from the trauma. 

Many survivors of sexual abuse require physical and mental medical treatment. Medical care for physical injuries and mental health counseling for trauma related to the abuse such as PTSD and other conditions can be covered by a financial award. Other damages such as mental anguish, physical discomfort, emotional distress, missed time from work, etc. may also be covered by financial compensation. 

Victims of college sex abuse have a legal right to come forward and tell their stories. While it can be very difficult for sex abuse victims to find the courage to relive their experiences, doing so can help restore your control of the situation. Our Florida Sexual Abuse Victim Attorneys at Whittel & Melton want to help you seek justice for the trauma inflicted upon you. You have legal options and we are here to guide you through the legal process. We can offer you a confidential free consultation where you can learn more about what to expect from your case. We will be here to help you through the entire process and make sure you receive any additional support, such as counseling, medical care, etc., so that you can begin healing and recovering from past suffering. You can contact us 24/7 for legal assistance. 


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